Oooh La La

Crop Top: H&M-self cropped. Skirt: American Apparel. Chunky Socks: Gap. 
Boots: Top Shop. Lipstick: MAC red

Another little insight to share with all my aspiring actor readers: There are no weekends during pilot season! I have had meetings on saturdays and sundays. I actually think this can sometimes be a good thing because it means that A: There is very little traffic, and B: You get to drive right onto the studio lot and not just park in the parking structure on the edge and walk 4 miles to the building that you need.

This saturday I had a meeting on the Fox lot. I got to drive straight to my building AND I drove right through a New York street scene. I was so excited I actually squealed! I cant help it, I'm a nerd and those are the things I think are cool :)

I don't watch the Oscar's because all I care about are the dresses and who won but I was lucky enough to be in the living room while the boy was watching at THE exact moment that Monique won her award... thus I got to see Samuel L Jackson's magnificent side eye live!